I’M A PHOTOGRAPHER. My name is...
Ian Henley
And I LOVE photography!
- iconBIRDS
- iconPEOPLE
- iconCOLORS
Ever since my dad bought me a Kodak Brownie 127 in its plastic casing, I was hooked!
There was somehting about the capture of images or indeed history, that I found facinating. It drew me in.
From then on it was just trying, practicing and experimenting that led me forward into my journey as a photographer.
In those days of course, you had to take your exposed film to the shop to be developed and it wasn;t until you got them back that were able to see the results of your work. Your hopes could be dashewd in less than a minute! Or perhaps there would be one shot that made the whole process and the wait so worthwhile.
Through a Pentax ME Super with those blue single-use flash bulbs - the ones that burnt your fingers after use when you had to replace it with a new one! - throught to today with a couple of EOS semi-pro cameras and many - too many according tpo my wife - pro lenses.
In January 2019 I completed an online Diploma in Profesisonal Photgraphy with The Blackford Centre under the tutorship of graham Light. He runs Abbey Studios in Cirencetser and is a brilliant teacher and a real good guy!
The journey continues!




My Favourite Assignments
The Diploma encouraged me to experiment with a wide range of assignments. Including ones I would never have attempted otherwise. Here are my favourites.

This is my very good friend, Lydia Goodall.
Here she is performing her final show at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in February, 2020.

I was invited by a good friend of mine who happens to be a boxing coach. He invited me ringside to photgraph several matches.
November 2018

This was an assignment makeing me think about techniques. But it also took me into the realm of thinking about what makes an interesting image. What do you think?